More Value

Fair quotes. Transparent monthly pricing.

With Nirvana, there's no bait and switch. Just fairly priced policies that reward safety.


Rate Stability
+  Rate locked for full policy term
Safety Discount
+  Full discount upfront
Monthly Billing
+  Automated, predictable, transparent

The other guys

Rate Stability
- Unpredictable, fluctuating rates
Safety Discount
- Partial discount upfront, fluctuates each month
Monthly Billing
- Unpredictable, manual reporting


Rate Stability
Safety Discount
Monthly Billing


+  Rate locked for full policy term
+  Full discount upfront
+  Automated, predictable, transparent

The other guys

- Unpredictable, fluctuating rates
- Partial discount upfront, fluctuates each month
- Unpredictable, manual reporting

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Nirvana store and share my telematics data?

Your data is stored in secure cloud environments using industry-standard security practices, featuring state-of-the-art encryption to safeguard your information. Access to this data is limited to your fleet, designated insurance agency, individuals you choose to share the data with through our Safety Platform, and in the event if we are required to share your data with law enforcement. We never sell or trade data for any purpose.

Will my premium ever change during my policy?

No. Your rate is locked during your policy and will not change mid-term, even in the event of an accident or claim.

Will my fleet get its full safety discount upfront?

Yes. Your fleet receives its full safety discount upfront and is active for your full policy term. Improved safety during your policy term can help stabilize your premiums over time.

What information does Nirvana collect from telematics?

GPS location, speed, time information, VINS for all vehicles, odometer readings and safety event counts such as harsh braking and acceleration. Nirvana also pulls camera data but only in the event of an accident.

Will Nirvana create claims on my behalf?

No. Nirvana will not use crash alerts from your telematics devices to create claims on your behalf. It is up to the fleet to report claims to Nirvana.

What if I don't bind a policy with Nirvana?

If you choose not to bind a policy with Nirvana, we respect this decision and will not pull additional data moving forward without your consent.

Does Nirvana monitor my dash cams?

Nirvana does not actively monitor dash cam footage and cannot watch drivers in real-time. Nirvana will only pull footage in the event of a claim to help quickly resolve your claim and exonerate drivers when they are not at fault.

Get a quote

Nirvana works with a vast network of trusted insurance brokers to provide you with a quote. You can use your existing broker or discuss your needs with another provider in our network.

We'll follow up within 48 business hours to discuss your options.